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Juan Gonzales
Identified based on the votes given by everyone on TrueCenter. FAQ
We must put America first and reverse the detrimental global policies in place.
Sandra Angles
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Universal healthcare is a right. No man, woman, or child should go without care.
Elizabeth Saunders
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Fiscal conservative and socially liberal. Let's balance the budget and not the...
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Nicholas Ferguson
According to the New York Times, we've got quite a mess on our hands if we continue to kick the fiscal can down the road.
reputable Center-Left
Identified based on the votes given by everyone on TrueCenter.
Will Fiscal Policy Really Be Expansionary?
It’s now generally accepted that Trumpism will finally involve the kind of fiscal stimulus progressive economists have been pleading for ever since the financial crisis. After all, Republicans are deeply worried about budget...
Greg Abbott
We can't MAGA if we're constantly pandering to outside critics. We're a country that became great on our own, by following our own North Star. I wouldn't worry about the media's impact on all of this. More and more, it's clear that only a small segment of the population takes them seriously.
Steven Anderson
What would it take to get the media to take real America seriously? They've missed the point for the last 10 years. We want jobs. We want the lives our parents had, and that life is increasingly being taken from us.

National Anthem

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Randy Murray
I didn't fight for this country to have NFL players with millions of dollars disrespect it like this. This country, which I fought for, has given them everything. If they can't even stand for the anthem, they need to get off the field.
Joseph Kopser
Players kneeling for the national anthem isn't disrespectful. Kneeling has traditionally been a sign of reverence. If anything, you could argue it show more respect than almost anything else!
Harold Wagner
I'm sick of paying for everyone else's care. If I lose my job tomorrow, no one is going to help me back up. Why does everyone else get a free pass?


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Vibhore Gupta
What is @donaldtrump thinking today? My guess is he's more focused on the economy now that healthcare is taking a back-seat. I still think he has too much friction with @paulryan and @mitchmcconnell to get anything substantial accomplished.